Friday, May 29, 2009

Michaela's Disneyland trip

Michaela has been waiting a long time for her birthday. This year, you get in to Disneyland for free on your birthday (you have to register online first). Morgan and Madison have already gone. (Morgan went with Dale on his birthday and I went with Madison on her birthday.)

On the airplane.

The teacups.

It's a Small World

On the bus back to the airport. Dale told me she sang several verses of "the wheels on the bus." I bet he was very proud.

From what Michaela has told me, she had a great time. I can't believe she is 4.

1 comment:

Petersen Party of 7 said...

Happy Birthday Michaela. I'm glad that Disneyland was fun. I'm sure she felt spoiled, everyone should on their birthday!