Friday, May 29, 2009

Kaiser Again

Just to catch everyone up to speed with our recent trips to Kaiser: Last month Michaela was sick. Her only symptom was a high fever for over a week. After several trips to Kaiser, the doctor thinks she may have had a kidney infection. (She could not confirm because the lab messed up one of her tests.) She had to give blood and they discovered she was iron deficient. We went back the next day and they drew more blood. We had to go back a few days later and take another blood test. This test showed her iron had increased, but was still low. The Doctor told us to give her low dose iron drops and retest in a couple of weeks.

So today we got in the car and were headed down to Kaiser. After only being in the car for about 1 minute, Michaela said "This is the way to the Doctor. Are we going to the Doctor?" I should have just lied and said that we were not. She started asking tons of questions. "Am I going to get a check up?" "Am I going to get a shot?" "My tummy does not hurt." She eventually asked if she had to give blood. I told her yes. (again I should have lied.) She cried the rest of the trip (about 10 minutes.) I had to carry her into Kaiser, crying and all. We had to wait about 10 minutes before we went back. She cried the whole time. Luckily we had 2 nurses, because this time she started screaming and kicking and tried to jerk her arm away. One of the nurses had to hold it in place. She SCREAMED the entire time.

When we were done, I had to carry her back out to the car... still crying. When we got to the car, she finally calmed down and asked "Can we go to McDonalds now?"

1 comment:

Jeanine & Christian Brown said...

That is so funny. Anything to get a trip to McDonalds.