Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The 6th picture

I was tagged on my neighbor's blog, so here it goes.

The rules:

1.Go to your document/pictures file on your computer

2.Go to the 6th file

3.Go to the 6th picture

4. Blog about that picture

5. Tag 6 other people

Here's my picture:

Jamie, I am so jealous. Your picture was much cuter than mine!!! Well, what can I say. Dale and I were planning on getting new bedroom furniture a couple of years ago. I scanned the floor plan of our house on to our computer and cropped out the individual rooms. It has come in quite handy. Every time we want to rearrange a room, I go and print out a floor plan first and work out the details in pencil.

so now I tag: Christine Tecca, Kathy Tecca, Tara Leonhardt, Carrie Dyer, Glenn Disney and Lynette Wilie

1 comment:

Petersen Party of 7 said...

Thanks for playing along. At least none of your kids names are spelled wrong in your pic:)