Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Slave Labor

Our backyard has been neglected for quite a while. It was not too hot this morning, so I figured what the heck, I will give the plants a much needed trim. Half way through I went inside to get a drink when I discovered my 3 children lounging around. Wait a minute - something is definately wrong here. I turned off the computer and TV and made them help me. It took Morgan some convincing to actually do some work. When I threatened to take away the TV, computer and Nintendo, her attitude quickly changed. They did a great job picking up the trimmings and they even got a dollar each for their efforts.

1 comment:

Petersen Party of 7 said...

I can't think of anything more annoying then working my rear off and then having my kids complain that they're bored. C'mon now! Way to get the kids involoved. They'll thank us someday, right?