Saturday, October 24, 2009

Math Contest

We were a bit surprised when Morgan came home from school and said "Guess what mom. Mr. Taylor (the school principal) came into my class and asked me and 3 other kids to come out into the hall with him." She then explained that they were chosen to participate in the SACMath Elementary school math contest. Dale and I were a bit surprised because math is not her best subject.

There were about 20 kids from their school. 3 fourth grade teams and 2 fifth grade teams. The tests were very challenging. At the end there was an awards ceremony. One of the fourth grade teams did very well. But that was about it for the school. They gave the kids their tests back along with the answers. Morgan did not win any ribbons but she did not come in last either. We were very proud of her efforts and believe it or not she even said that she had a good time.

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