Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Carpool Gossip

My neighbor and I have a carpool with the kids. I was taking the preschoolers to school today. Kate, our neighbor, is very talkative. Kate and Michaela really get worked up over their morning conversations. This particular morning, Kate was telling us about a cake her mom made for a baby shower. Then she started to tell us about a cake that she made for her brother, Ethan (it was some Star Wars ship). Then Kate told Michaela that I can't make a Star Wars ship because there are no boys in our family. Now here is the funny part, she said and I quote "you only have girls in your family because your daddy does not know how to make boys". As true as that is it sounds really funny coming from a four year old.

1 comment:

Petersen Party of 7 said...

Sorry Dale! I have no control of what comes out of my kid's mouth! She's is her own woman, that's for sure!